Friday, 1 February 2019

Head Set Woes

Never had this problem before.

This is kinda off the back of my previous post regarding my stem issues.

I've only ever owned one other Carbon bike, A Giant TCR Composite 1, a 2014 model which I bought from new. I ordered the S/M size frame and honestly never had an issue with the headset height or stem length. So never felt the need to adjust it, the frame was a touch short, I remember my knees hitting the drops on occasion. Nevermind, long since gone that one.

So this Cannondale, not sure anyone touched the stem or the headset since it was originally purchased. I am the third owner and I now like to tinker. I used to just ride whichever bike I owned. lots of Specialized Langsters, the 54cm frame is a gem off the shelf and fits like a glove, no need to adjust a thing.

....It has a carbon steerer and a proper odd headset. Like nowt I'd seen before.

Check out this beauty:

I do now understand how it works but it took a while, especially without instruction. I was consistently getting play in the headset, even after a good tighten, using a torque wrench, obvs. I had the steerer tube cut down by my LBS, thought that would be the end of the issue but the play returned, so it clearly wasn't just me missing the beat on this one.

There is a 5mm stem cap bolt, which when tightening I assumed would be the only bolt I'd need to touch. Coming from a predominantly alu bike background it's generally, one bolt and a stem cap.

I didn't even notice the top cap had an additional 6mm cap to tighten. Turns out, this is fairly important!

Funny old thing, hindsight. Imagine reading instructions before you attempt the job. Mental.

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